Do You Choose of Profession of the Future?
Seek out a Higher Education in Specialty:
Micro and nanosystem technology (153)
We are waiting for you, that is, those who will use it, maintain it, manufacture it, modernize it, simply make new technologies.
— Our grandfathers were interested in radio receivers and even the first light bulbs;
— Our dads were very surprised by the first calculators and computers, the first telephones and nuclear power plants;
— Today, you and I are surprised by smart electric cars, electric motorcycles, gyroboards, quadcopters, smart robots; powerful computers and smartphones. Modern medicine performs more complex operations. With the help of microrobots.
— Yes, the specialties of our department are very similar, because we give our students the most cutting-edge competences which are necessary for modern life.
Come to us to study and describe exactly this in your graduate work, you will have the opportunity to tell about your ideas to the whole of Ukraine, and not only.
Our students also take part in international conferences.
Be assured, our professors will be happy to share their experience and knowledge.
The educational and professional bachelor’s program is designed for those who aspire to become a specialist in the field of microsystems of informational and measurement technology and microelectronics. The main advantage of the bachelor’s program is the orientation towards the formation of the broadest possible scientific and technical outlook of the future specialist. The program is balanced with regard to the socio-humanitarian, fundamental and professional training components and contains a sufficient selective training component by specialization. This provides an opportunity to acquire both basic knowledge of social and humanitarian and fundamental disciplines, disciplines of general professional training and special professional training in the field of automation and instrument engineering.
Graduates can work at industrial enterprises of the electric power industry and the industry of industrial production of microsystem electronics and are able to hold the positions of specialists in dedicated services, in scientific, design and design organizations, institutions that produce and develop microsystem equipment. The list of positions corresponds to the qualification of professions. With such a specialty, you will never be without a job. The opportunity to continue studying at the post graduate school of our university. The best students find jobs among us — professors. Our graduates found jobs at many enterprises in our city and in other cities of Ukraine and became our stakeholders. They will always be happy to share their thoughts about our university with you.
On the basis of complete general secondary education — 3 years and 10 months;
On the basis of the «Junior Bachelor» degree of general secondary education — 1 year 10 months;
On the basis of the «bachelor» degree for obtaining the second (master’s) level — 1 year 4 months;
There is an option to recognize and re-enroll credits received within previous education. For more information about this, contact the admissions committee of the university.
Please fill in the form. Once you have submitted the form, we will contact you within the next working day.

State University
of Intelligent Technologies
and TelecommunicationsContact: