Field of knowledge: 01 “Automation and instrument construction”
Do You Choose of Profession of the Future?
Seek out a Higher Education in Specialty:
Metrology and information-measurement technolog (152)
State University of Intelligent echnologies and Telecommunications
Do You Choose of Profession of the Future?
Seek out a Higher Education in Specialty:
Automation and instrument construction (152)
Specialty: 152 — «Metrology and information-measurement technology» is a conscious choice for those who want to become a sought-after professional of the highest level, because any production, enterprise that produces products, or public service that offers a service cannot do without control the quality of their activities.
In the process of training, students study quality standards, learn to quantify and analyze quality indicators, detect counterfeit products, analyze the causes of defects and provide recommendations for improving production quality. In addition, students acquire skills in the development and implementation of interstate standards. Studying in this specialty forms in students the acquisition of professional competencies of a measurement specialist aimed at obtaining important information of the required quality in the fields of metrology, standardization, conformity assessment and certification of various types of products and services consumed by society using modern measuring equipment. In the modern market economy, the high quality of products determines the competitiveness of the enterprise, its viability and sustainable development.
A graduate of this specialty is able to solve tasks related to monitoring compliance with standards, norms and rules; protection of consumer rights, interests of the state and enterprises; protection of citizens from counterfeit and low-quality products; to contribute to the prevention of violations in the field of technical regulation and compliance by manufacturers with standards and regulatory documents; able to ensure and evaluate the quality of products and services; able to conduct analysis and assessment of compliance with the standards of technical documentation and equipment on the basis of reliable measurement results using measuring equipment.
Areas of society for employment of our graduates:
• customs (testing laboratories, goods classification department);
• national police (forensic medical examination laboratory, forensics department);
• MES (testing laboratories, fire examination department);
• departments of state executive bodies (for technical regulation in the field of economy and consumer policy, protection of consumer rights, testing laboratories for food and non-food products, sanitary-epidemiological stations, nature protection inspection (ecology), architectural and construction inspection, certification bodies and for assessment of conformity of products and services, labor protection inspection, etc.);
• enterprises of all types of transport (testing laboratories with input quality control of materials, department of chief metrologist, department of quality control of technical maintenance of transport, department of quality control of passenger services, department of technical documentation and equipment supervision, department of energy resources control, etc.);
• all enterprises for the production of industrial and food products, processing and storage of agricultural products (elevators), sea and river ports, enterprises of electricity generation, water and gas supply, where measurements are required.
Students are trained according to three educational and professional programs (OPP-152):
«STATE SUPERVISION, METROLOGY AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZATION» – for the 1-st degree of higher education, qualification — bachelor’s degree in metrology and information-measuring technology, study period 4 years.
«METROLOGICAL ASSURANCE OF TESTING AND PRODUCT QUALITY» – for the 2-nd degree of higher education, qualification — master’s degree (research engineer) in metrology and information and measurement technology, the term of study is 1,5 years.
«METROLOGY AND INFORMATION AND MEASURING TECHNIQUES» – for the 3-rd degree of higher education, qualification — doctor of philosophy PhD, term of study 2 years.
Engineer-inspector for technical supervision
Specialist in technical policy and regulation
Technical control specialist
Product testing specialist
Inspector for production quality control
Specialist in metrology and metrological production support
Engineer for standardization and certification of products and services
Technical documentation specialist
Auditor for assessment of conformity of products and services
Consumer protection inspector
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