State University of Intelligent echnologies and Telecommunications

Field of knowledge: 12 «Information technologies» 

Do You Choose of Profession of the Future?

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State University of Intelligent echnologies and Telecommunications

Do You Choose of Profession of the Future?

Seek out a Higher Education in Specialty:



The educational program «Information Systems in Economics and Business» provides training for specialists in the field of Information Systems and Technologies capable of solving complex specialized tasks and practical problems related to the design, development, quality assurance and maintenance of organizational, technical and software support for information infrastructures of business centres, banking institutions, administrative and industrial buildings, supermarkets, hotels, etc.


You get skills that will allow you to:

— to solve problems related both to the introduction of Information Technologies and Systems into structures for various purposes, and to the development, implementation and maintenance of various information services and Internet technologies;

— create information infrastructures for business centres, banking institutions, administrative and industrial buildings, supermarkets, hotels, residential sector buildings;

— install and maintain standard and special software, business processes, billing systems; accompany e-commerce transactions, which today make up a significant part of the world market;

— accompany e-commerce transactions, which today make up a significant part of the world market;

— create dynamic sites and web-services;

— create distributed databases using cloud technologies;

— ensure the safety of information systems functioning;/span>

— carry out CRM-customer relationship management, develop and implement direct and telephone marketing campaigns to attract customers, create and maintain customer databases, etc.

Students can obtain international qualification certificates from leading manufacturers of network equipment and software products, namely:

— The Swiss company «Reichel and De-Massari» — the world leader in the production of passive network equipment;

— The Parus company is a leading manufacturer of software for the Ukrainian market.

Career path

Graduates of the specialization «Information Systems in Economics and Business» can apply for the following positions:

Technical Director

Head of IT Department

Information Technology Engineer

Information Systems Administrator

System Integration Project Engineer

Business Analyst

Computer Software Specialist

Specialist CRM Customer Relationship Management

System Analyst

Data Engineer

Today, specialists of this specialization are in demand at enterprises in the economic sector to support and further develop modern business processes of enterprises and institutions.

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    State University

    of Intelligent Technologies

    and Telecommunications


    65029, Ukraine, Odesa, Kovalska Street, 1 Admissions Committee, aud 108.
