Do You Choose of Profession of the Future?
Seek out a Higher Education in Specialty:
The educational program «Computer Networks and the Internet» provides fundamental training for specialists in the creation and technical operation of modern computer networks, without which the high-quality functioning of any enterprises or institutions in the world is impossible. At the same time, today we are all interconnected by the hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (www) — the Internet.
The Internet today is not only a global network that unites a huge number of computers around the globe, but also primarily a global infrastructure that provides the ability to access a variety of services (information administrative, medical, educational, commercial, entertainment, etc.) and information resources anywhere in the world. This is a universal platform for deploying Internet of Things Technologies — physical devices, various sensors connected to the Internet and able to interact with each other and with the external environment.
The educational program also provides all the necessary knowledge of system, application and special software, modern data processing technologies, organization and support of databases, cloud storage and Big Data technologies, Web-design, Computer Graphics, etc. Programming skills based on knowledge of information and network technologies significantly expand the area of demand for such specialists.
You get skills that will allow you to:
— perform design, installation, adjustment and system administration of computer networks;
— monitor and analyse key performance indicators of the network capability;
— configure hardware and software, configure client and server computers;
— create system, application and special software;
— organize databases, cloud storages;
— create websites and network services;
— provide network security and remote user support.
Students can obtain international qualification certificates from leading manufacturers of network equipment and software products, namely:
— The Swiss company «Reichel and De-Massari» — the world leader in the production of passive network equipment;
— The company «Parus» is a leading manufacturer of software for the Ukrainian market.
Employers are network operators, Internet providers, service aggregators, content aggregators, institutions, enterprises and commercial companies, since computer networks today are integral infrastructure components of each of them.
Requirements of employers for job candidates:
— higher education in the field of IT and telecommunications;
— knowledge of telecommunication and information technologies;
— knowledge of modern network operating systems;
— knowledge of the principles of operation of communication equipment and the ability to navigate the modern market of network equipment from leading manufacturers;
— knowledge of the current design standards for structured cabling systems and nodes of information networks;
— The Swiss company «Reichel and De Massari» — the availability of certificates from leading manufacturers of network equipment and software products;
— presentation skills.
Graduates of the specialization «Computer networks and the Internet» can apply for the following positions:
— System Integration Project Engineer;
— System Administrator;
— computer software specialist;
— specialist in organization and support of databases, cloud storages;
— access administrator;
— computer systems analyst;
— computer software engineer;
— system programmer;
— computer application engineer;
— Specialist in computer graphics.
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State University
of Intelligent Technologies
and TelecommunicationsContact: